3 Things Your Doctor Likely Doesn’t Know About Treating Hormone Imbalances

Treating Hormone Imbalances

This report outlines 3 things your doctor likely doesn’t know about treating hormonal imbalances.

As scary as this sounds, it is unfortunately true that most doctors (and even some OBGYNs) don’t know how to treat hormonal imbalances confidently.

Doctor’s all over the world are telling patients suffering from hormonal imbalances that “your labs are normal” or “it's just a matter of aging.”

They are unsure how to help patients suffering with debilitating hormonal imbalances... especially during perimenopause and menopause.


This Essential Guide Will Show You…

  • WHY common medical advice often fails to address the root cause of hormonal imbalances (and why most PCPs and even OBGYNs are ill-prepared to address your concerns)

  • HOW to recognize common signs & symptoms of hormonal imbalances

  • HOW to find and choose the right healthcare provider for hormonal imbalances

  • WHICH hormone testing is best for identifying imbalances and developing personalized treatment plans

  • WHAT you need to know about bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) for restoring energy, mood, and drive

Meet Dr. Suzzane Gosselin, BSN, DC, IFMCP

Dr. Suzzane Gosselin, BSN, DC, IFMCP

Dr. Gosselin has been in the healthcare field for over forty years.

Her experience spans diverse settings from working in Intensive Care Unit settings in major world-renown metropolitan hospitals to Community Health Nursing in Boston’s inner city to becoming a licensed Chiropractor and CEO of Harbor Health Group.

Dr. Gosselin started her formal education with the Institute of Functional Medicine (IFM) in 1999 and became an Institute of Functional Medicine Certified Practitioner in 2014. She has worked with the Institute serving as a Clinical Facilitator at the Applying Functional Medicine in Clinical Practice programs.

Forever the perpetual student, Dr Gosselin continues to learn and advance her understanding of physical medicine, functional nutrition and stress resilience by attending advanced trainings and conferences on a regular basis. To balance her clinical life, Dr Gosselin spends time in the garden, on the water and serving on various Boards in her community.

How Long Have You Been Experiencing Chronic Health Issues?

Chronic Fatigue

Weight Gain

Brain Fog

Stress & Anxiety

Sleep Issues

Hormonal Imbalances


Digestive Issues


3 Misconceptions About Gut + Hormone Health

"My Tests Came Back Normal!"

Conventional Gut Testing Misses Bacterial Imbalances

Conventional GI testing often comes back "normal" – because scopes don't pick up bacterial imbalances (SIBO or Candida) and conditions like leaky gut. Sadly, patients leave feeling unheard & confused while still dealing with digestive drama. Going deeper on possible gut imbalances is key so you don't suffer from the "fall-out" from untreated gut conditions – namely inflammation & hormonal imbalances.

"But I Eat

Are nutrient deficiencies slowing your thyroid function?

Even the healthiest eaters are still prone to nutritional deficiencies due to stress, gut infections, taking medications, or toxic exposure. Additionally, they may be eating foods they have an intolerance to. Using an integrative approach, we first evaluate all possible root causes of your symptoms – including possible gut imbalances, food intolerances & nutrient deficiencies that can be easily corrected with a personalized protocol .

"If I Could Just Fix My Hormones!"

Gut issues & stealth infections affect all your hormones!

Your body's hormone system is pretty complex and that's why trying to "fix" hormonal imbalances on its own will frequently backfire. Stealth infections, poor gut health or insulin resistance push hormones out of whack... so we need to address those issues first before looking into more conventional treatment options like hormone replacement therapy (HRT) which is always an option.